There has never been a more empowering time, such as the present for the independent artist! The tables have turned and whether you "make it or break it" is finally in YOUR hands! THE ARTIST, PRODUCER, MODEL OR POET, etc. have a new ally, technology! My name is Reina Bella Mogul, I am a former singer / songwriter, trained dancer and model. These days I am better known for my contribution to the indie industry in a more administrative capacity. I am now offering services in Public Relations, Copy Writing and Event Planning. Through this column I'll be answering industry questions and sharing the knowledge and experiences that helped me accomplish my goals and dreams with you, THE WORLD!
My first order of business is to inform you that technology should be your new best friend. Yes I know what you're thinking; "I don't want to be another Twitter or Facebook zombie" or perhaps "I don't have time for that". Wrap your head around this! According to the Nielsen's Social Media Report 2012, in July 2012 alone the U.S. Audience for Social Networking was up to a whopping 171. 8 minutes! Still thinking social media is just for zombies? You have the world at your fingertips! I know it is overwhelming, there is a lot of technology available and not all of it is for you. RESEARCH, COMMIT, FOLLOW THROUGH and BUILD! You have to find the social network and/or artist platform that best fits your needs as well as the needs of your brand. If you're serious about developing your brand, you have to reach your target audience. The fastest, most efficient way to accomplish this feat is by taking advantage of social media sites. With your followers sharing and reposting your music, promotions, articles, etc. you have the opportunity of reaching an audience that you are not currently connected to.
While the expansion of your fan and/or client base is crucial to the success of your brand, building relationships is equally important. Social media allows you the opportunity to build personal relationships with your fans, supporters and/or clients. Technology has drastically changed the consumer experience and therefor . The lack of direct consumer contact could hinder your sales or the expansion of your brand. So what are you waiting for? The world is at your fingertips…
Get out there and NETWORK, BUILD, and CONNECT! Opportunity is knocking! Are you going to take it !?!