Whether you are a promoter or an artist, the concept of Pay 2 Play affects everything in regards to shows and the business environment it cultivates as a result of ongoing practices. There are many angles to view the business model; and there are multiple benefits and drawbacks from both the implementation of Pay 2 Play as well as the absence of it. At the end of the day, each business must decide for themselves what is most important to the growth of their brand and revenue. There is no ONE formula that will solve all the issues in the music industry, and there's many streams of revenue both artists and promoters can utilize to their benefit.
Whether Pay 2 Play is a sustainable model is still a topic of hot debate, but the real question we should ask ourselves is whether there is a level of reasonable logic to both the pros and cons. There is not always an evil agenda to override the value of the artist when implemented. Sometimes it's as simple an issue as cost and overhead. Artists should not always assume the worst scenario. Artists must decide for themselves what deals make sense, and what deals are simply of waste of money, time and energy.

On the other side of things, artists who refuse to Pay 2 Play should not be regarded as arrogant egoists with a disdain for progress in an industry that is made up of many schemes and hustles for small dollars. There should be an understanding that some artists simply would rather take alternative routes to their own success, and they too must be respected as a business entity of their own. They are simply making the best decisions for their brand and team as well.
If both sides can amicably understand the plight of the other, perhaps there is a middle ground that can be bridged in order to open up the avenue of possibilities for all parties. But, in order for this to happen, both sides must be willing to make those concessions and arrangements for the MUTUAL BENEFIT of one another.
Is there a compromise? Are you an artist who is for or against Pay 2 Play? Are you a promoter who feels they have dealt with this issue and have some insight into the matter? Let's discuss….