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Ask Arie

Ask Arie

ASK ARIE: Twitter Effectiveness

Friday, April 15, 2011 • Ask Arie
It's a fact people don't like being told by total strangers to click on random links and pressured to become a co-defendant in the retweet spam train.
"Arie, is twitter an effective way to promote my music?" - No name
Yes and no depending on the technique and timing. [laughing] No don't worry there is no science to twitter promotion. However, the biggest complaint I hear from twits, twitheads, twiggas, twithearts and what-evers is in reference to the numerous links received from artists they don't know. It's a fact people don't like being told by total strangers to click on random links and pressured to become a co-defendant in the retweet spam train.
Reality check!!!! People know when they're randomly picked for "promo" based on the other "@" contacts bunched together. From personal experience I'm flattered to see my name next to @iamdiddy, @eonline, @unclerush and @barackobama. However, I don't know them..... and I'm sure as hell they don't know the person who chose to place us together in some dilapidated twitter blast. In doing this, artists are basically shooting blind, how productive is that? If you don't take what you do serious, why would anyone else???
So, although twitter is very convenient, like anything else it's important and most effective to do your due diligence a.k.a. homework and know exactly who you're sending your music to. You wouldn't send your hip hop track to a rock station [that would be pointless], twitter is the same way.
My advice, get to know who your fans and followers are and start with them. By working within your ACTUAL network, you're sharing with people who have interest in you.
Also, FYI for your mental Rolodex there are programs that can be linked with your social networks to send out prearranged material for distribution to YOUR followers in an organized and timely manner. Helping to avoid leaving every-one's time line looking like your personal promo page and leading to you being blocked or unfollowed.
Good luck!
Do you have a question for me or something you'd like to know? I'm here every week answering your emails on industry how-to's and important Do's and Don'ts. Send me an email: contactsaidarie@gmail.com and follow me on twitter at: www.twitter.com/leirapr_ceo.

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